PJ's and Pat's:
A guide for EBM and genetics questions in the Physician's exams is a course designed to remove the confusion around answering evidenced based medicine and particular genetics questions in the RACP Part 1 examination for both adult and paediatric medicine candidates.
In preparation for their own exams Dr Pankaj Jain and Dr Patrick Aouad saw that many fellow candidates found calculation-based and analytical questions particularly daunting. These topics are often left to the last minute to review, despite the fact that they are highly represented in examinations year after year.
With the above in mind, PJ and Pat agreed that if they overcame their exams, they would pass some pearls onto basic physician trainees by developing a course that would provide both practice and materials that can be used for high-yield and efficient revision.
The course is strongly based on question examples which will cover all the major domains relating to interpretation of graphs and data, EBM calculations and tips and tricks in the interpretation of genetic pedigrees and calculating genetic risk.
Candidates who attend the course will receive learning materials, based on multiple question examples that they can take home. There will also be a formative one-hour MCQ quiz at the end of the day.
This course is designed to help candidates hone their skills in answering EBM and genetics questions that involve quantitive analysis leading into the exam period. Pre-reading around the basic science and concepts is highly recommended.
Trial design, analysis and interpretation
Basic and complex evidence based medicine questions
Methods for approaching simple and complex genetic pedigrees
Methods for approaching simple and complex genetic risk calculations
Dr Patrick Aouad
Consultant Neurologist
Royal North Shore Hospital & University of Sydney
Dr Pankaj Jain:
MBBS(Hons) FRACP, PhD Cardiologist
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital